Tuesday, 27 January 2015

The Price of Legacy (Budget & Non-Budget)

Today's post is discussing the price to join Legacy. By now, either if you are new or have been with Legacy for a while, you might have noticed that the price for Legacy seems quite high. The reason behind this is because Wizards of the Coast have a reserved list and the lack of reprinting on Legacy staples. This reserved list has a list of cards which are not allowed to be reprinted to protect collectors' interest. There has been a lot of debate on whether or not the reserved list should be abolished. My opinion is the reserved list should be abolished because Magic The Gathering is still a card game at heart which millions of people play. Here is a link to the reserved list from Wizards of the Coast.

The reserved list has forced prices on strong cards such as dual lands to rise high up in price because of the limited supply of them from the lack of being reprinted. Most cards on the reserved list that affect Legacy are the dual lands, which many decks in Legacy play because they use more than one colour, using the dual lands for effective mana.

Although this is the case, there are decks in Legacy, even competitive ones, that do not require dual lands. A few decks that do not use dual lands include: Merfolk, Goblins, MUD, Spiral Tide, Solidarity, and many others. Instead of costing $1000+ dollars, these decks cost around $600-800, depending where you budget.

Although if you still think paying more than $500 for a deck is expensive, Standard decks only last a few months before their cards rotate, with the competitive decks being close to $500. It is very expensive to keep up with Standard, yet these Legacy decks once built, never have their cards rotate.

If you really are not up for paying much money for Legacy, there are plenty of forums with people discussing budget decks that can be built, and even though they are budget and can cost well under $200, they are still quite competitive and fun. One such budget deck I played for a while that I found online was a blue and black Delver deck that used Death's Shadow. The was under $100 and was a force to be reckoned with and still is.

If you are looking at building a budget deck or require help building a budget legacy deck, here is a link to a budget Legacy forum on MTGSalvation. The budget forum is organised by “-spooky-”, an expert in building budget Legacy decks as well as many budget
Legacy decklists to choose from. This is a good place to start if you want to build budget Legacy. If you need help getting into Legacy or questions on building budget decks, "-spooky-" would be happy to reply to you questions.

Until next time, keep brainstorming Magic.

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