Back when it was first printed, brainstorm was a terrible card, not even worth playing in mediocre decks. The reason was because for one blue, even though you drew 3 cards, you had to put two card from your hand on top of your library. The reason why this was bad was because it did not technically sort your next draw, but set you back two draws with cards that were usually not what you needed. Another way to explain this is the card technically said “Draw a card, but put two useless cards on top of your library”. This was known as being brainstorm-locked.

Another reason why brainstorm is so powerful is because it replaces itself. Most instant and sorceries in Magic once used do not replace themselves, so you are usually down one card in your hand. Brainstorm lets you draw three, one to replace itself and two to replace what you put back on top of your library.

any time in a turn. Because of this, brainstorm can fight discard. The best discard spells in Magic are all sorcery speed, so if someone casts thoughtseize to get rid of one of your best cards, you can respond with brainstorm at instant speed to draw three cards, and put the two best cards on top of your deck, safe from the opponent's discard spell. This helps a lot for decks that need pieces for a combo to win or game-changing spell. It also helps being an instant to find an answer to an opponent's threat, such as a counterspell.
Here is a link to a video with more information on Brainstorm from Gathering Magic.
Until next time, keep brainstorming Magic.
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